Cost-effective IoT-based automated vehicle headlight control system: design and implementation

Momotaz Begum, Nayeem Ullah, Mehedi Hasan Shuvo, Towhidul Islam, Thofazzol Hossen, Jia Uddin


The current world would be difficult without vehicles, which offer vital advantages for social connectivity, mobility, and technical advancement. Though motor vehicles provide benefits to passenger transportation, they also present certain challenges in their use. A major issue is nighttime traffic accidents caused by headlamps from automobiles traveling in reverse directions, that's why there is a high probability of accidents due to the glare on the driver's eyes. The phrase "Troxler effect" refers to an unexpected glare that a motorist recognizes. In this paper, we will provide an optimal solution to this challenge/Troxler effect. The primary objective of this paper is to design an internet of things (IoT)-based smart headlight control model. Our system introduced a cost-effective vehicle’s headlights controlled by light detection. According to this paper, a vehicle’s headlights are automatically rotated down when the sensor detects lights from the opposite direction of the vehicle headlights. We tried to reduce the road accident rate with our proposed system. This type of technology will prove useful in the motor vehicle sector and offer an innovative approach that ensures driver safety as well as increasing economic development.


Automated headlight control road safety; Cost-effective IoT; IoT; Vehicle lighting systems smart headlights;

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The International Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (IJ-ICT)
p-ISSN 2252-8776, e-ISSN 2722-2616
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU).

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