Strategic Deployment of EV Charging Infrastructure: An In-Depth Exploration of Optimal Location Selection and CC-CV Charging Strategies

Debani Prasad Mishra, Pranav Swaroop Nayak, Aman Kumar, Surender Reddy Salkuti


The continued expansion of the electric vehicle (EV) market necessitates strategic planning for the placement of charging stations to ensure efficient access and utilization of electric infrastructure. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the critical factors in optimizing the selection of EV charging station locations, along with the implementation of Constant Current-Constant Voltage (CC-CV) charging models. The study addresses the challenges and opportunities in identifying the most effective locations for charging stations to accommodate the growing demand for sustainable transportation. Furthermore, it examines the benefits of adopting CC-CV charging models to improve the charging process, achieving a balance between charging speed and battery longevity. Through this analysis, the review aims to provide valuable insights to stakeholders involved in the development and expansion of EV charging infrastructure, thereby supporting the transition to a more sustainable and extensive electric mobility ecosystem.


Electric Vehicles; Genetic Algorithm; Shortest Path; Constant Current; Constant Voltage.

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