Design of an efficient Transformer-XL model for enhanced pseudo code to Python code conversion

Snehal H. Kuche, Amit K. Gaikwad, Meghna Deshmukh


The landscape of programming has long been challenged by the task of transforming pseudo code into executable Python code, a process traditionally marred by its labor-intensive nature and the necessity for a deep understanding of both logical frameworks and programming languages. Existing methodologies often grapple with limitations in handling variable-length sequences and maintaining context over extended textual data. Addressing these challenges, this study introduces an innovative approach utilizing the Transformer-XL model, a significant advancement in the domain of deep learning. The Transformer-XL architecture, an evolution of the standard Transformer, adeptly processes variable-length sequences and captures extensive contextual dependencies, thereby surpassing its predecessors in handling natural language processing (NLP) and code synthesis tasks. The proposed model employs a comprehensive process involving data preprocessing, model input encoding, a self-attention mechanism, contextual encoding, language modeling, and a meticulous decoding process, followed by post-processing. The implications of this work are far-reaching, offering a substantial leap in the automation of code conversion. As the field of NLP and deep learning continues to evolve, the Transformer-XL based model is poised to become an indispensable tool in the realm of programming, setting a new benchmark for automated code synthesis.


Code conversion; Natural language processing; Deep learning; Pseudo code interpretation; Scenarios; Transformer-XL

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The International Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (IJ-ICT)
p-ISSN 2252-8776, e-ISSNĀ 2722-2616
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU).

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