BloFoPASS: A blockchain food palliatives tracer support system for resolving welfare distribution crisis in Nigeria

Fidelis Obukohwo Aghware, Wilfred Adigwe, Margareth Dumebi Okpor, Christopher Chukwufunaya Odiakaose, Arnold Adimabua Ojugo, Andrew Okonji Eboka, Patrick Ogholorunwalomi Ejeh, Onate Egerton Taylor, Rita Erhovwo Ako, Victor Ochuko Geteloma


With population rising to approximately 200 million Nigerians – fast-paced, urbanization has continued to advent food insecurity with maladministration, corruption, internal rife, and starvation. These, threatened the nation's unity with the lockdown of 2020; and consequently, have now become the trend. Nigeria must as a nation, re-examine her methods in the administration of palliatives (in lieu of food and relief) distribution – as the above-listed issues have become of critical need in the equitable distribution of reliefs, both from the humanitarian agency view, and the Government (State and Federal). They have noticed non-transparency, corruption, and data inadequacies, as major drawbacks in its management. Our study presents a blockchain ensemble for the administration of food palliatives distribution in Nigeria that first ensures, that all beneficiaries be registered, and the food palliatives are sensor-tagged and recorded on the blockchain. Results show the number of transactions per second and page retrieval abilities for the proposed chain were quite low with 30-TPS and 0.38seconds respectively – as compared to public blockchain. Proposed ensemble eliminates fraud that is herein rippled across the existing system, minimizes corrupt practices via sensor-based model, provides insight for stakeholders, and minimize the error in reported data on the supply chain.


Blockchain solution; Distribution crisis; Palliatives distribution; Social welfare; Welfare administration

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The International Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (IJ-ICT)
p-ISSN 2252-8776, e-ISSN 2722-2616
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU).

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